Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drunken Logic Podcast Episode XV - 080312

Download the MP3 file here.

 The guys are sitting down on a Friday afternoon to have some beers and talk about stuff.  They start out talking about the summer and the upcoming winter season and their thoughts about what they expect from it including their predictions as to when the first snowfall for Fargo, ND will be.  They then talk about slacking at work.  They then talk about the Olympics for a bit.  They then talk about kids and parents and the internet and how some parents allow their children to not do anything.  They continue to talk about parents and kids of today in general as compared to kids and parents from their youth.  Talk naturally segues into tattoos and piercings.  They then switch topics and talk about packing for vacations and then talk about hotels.  After a short break the guys return to talk about texting, phones and some drunken debauchery Darrick undertook and why trying to get a hold of him on his phone is impossible when he is drinking.  Talk about ailments where doctors essentially tell a person to stop drinking is up next.  They then talk about aches, pains, getting old and drinking.  After a short break they come back to talk about work again and how dress code effects Darrick's production at work.They then talk about racism and sexism for a bit. Religion is the next topic that enters the conversation.  They talk about all that and more!  We hope you enjoy the show.

Email us here: drunkenlogicpodcast@gmail.com

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